Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A troubled mind...

So the kids were asked to come in sandals since they would be visiting places of worship.

So the boy was sure he wanted to go, and he went, happy that it was going to be a kind of a picnic...The earlier time they had been to pizza hut where they saw the pizzas being made, and before that they had gone to a theatre to see a play...

It so turns out they visited a church, a buddhist temple, a hindu temple and a mosque. It was an out of school routine and that accounted for most of the excitement...

The evening and many evenings later, we all heard a few observations...

Amma do you know that the holy book of india is called the quran!!!!

Amma, you know the lady in the church told us that jesus, they pinned him on a cross with nails...he died and two days later he became a god?!!!

Amma, the holy book of the church is Buddha...

Amma, why do we pray to so many gods..?

undoubtedly a young mind not very prepared ...it has been gnawing in his mind especially the church and what they said. I've not really enlightened him about various religions. I've tried more to lay emphasis on morals, values and good simple sharing...perhaps some children are ready for this..perhaps junior is a lone case, perhaps...

The final statement, a whole week later...

You know, they said Jesus loved everybody.......and yet he died...

A sad statement...

No, I've not heard the end of this...

And I think the school is going to hear from me on this one...

Update: this post has nothing to do with any religion. I just wonder when is the right age for something. The elder boy did not react this way, perhaps because he was exposed to it much later. I studied in a convent school and i loved the chapel for its peace and serenity. Even temples have disturbing displays, (narasimha tearing the asura's stomach, goddesses holding a cut off head). Now my mind is troubled more...


Gauri said...

I honestly think the school should hear from you on this one.

Young minds are so susceptible and they are at an age when they have to be moulded with utmost care and respect.

It sure does not help if the school, in the name of extra curricular studies, end up confusing and troubling little minds.

"they pinned him on a cross with nails" ..... no wonder his mind is troubled. Poor thing !

Balu said...

I could very well relate this post to myself :)

Preethi said...

Oh My... what ever made them introduce all this to the kids? I am going to send my son to a church school and they have chapel and bible stories.. wonder what will happen next!!

Neera said...

Can't add much here except that I agree with you. Its evident how disturbed he is, and I am pretty sure its not a lone case, that he is talking about Jesus Christ's death a week later.
But I am wondering whether the students asked that question themselves looking at the the cross in front of them or when and how do Christians tell their kids about it.

~nm said...

Its so difficult to decide what is too much information and what is too less information that can be given to these young minds.

I somehow felt that leaving the sad/bad parts while telling them about various gods could have been better even if it meant giving them half truth. They would have learnt it sooner than later anyways.

Pavi!!!! said...

hec ya! the school did a wrong thing...Religion is not sumthing kids need to know anything about..
n yes the statement about jesus dying is so sad. Must be so hard for u to answer his Qs now!

the mad momma said...

well we were told that Jesus died for us.. but it came in bits and pieces i guess so it didnt disturb as much as it probably disturbs a child who isnt used to it and is suddenly lumped with it. poor baby...

i do recall getting very scared at durga puja when we went sightseeing and i saw the demons and lions in the pandal.

its all a question of habit and breaking it gently. i am surprised the school didnt think of it.

hope he is better now.

Gauri said...

I do agree with MM. It is a question of breaking it in an age appropriate way and gently. Not just giving them the hard reality without preparing them for it.

There minds are at a stage when imagination does run wild - even with normal things. I cannot even begin to imagine the kind of images that they would have conjured up in their minds with statements hitting them hard.

Unknown said...

deep breaths. Calm.
No need to be troubled.

Its an easy solution. Depends on how old the kid is. I am guessing he is below 13. I apologize for not knowing his age already...I ..well, I haven't been a regular in your blog, or anyone's for that matter. Its been nearly 6 months since I started reading other blogs again.

If that's the case then go get a nice set of amar chitra kathas. Let him read about all the hindu gods.
Then give him a nice comic version of the bible, and let him read that.
Btw, if he is too small then you can always read along with him.
Quran..well ..thats your choice. Personally, I never got the interest to read it. After the bible I preferred to read about egyptian gods(there is a significant connection)

Basically, when he grows up later, he gets to make a nice decision...either believe or don't believe, or believe but not like the others do, praying to a sculpture is really a waste of time. You want to believe in god, then ...ooooh yea..i forgot that someone had written a book on the way I believe Him to exist...

you might wanna read "conversations with god" by..err..god knows who..some name starting with N...neal donald walsch if i am not mistaken.
Now THAT is a perfect way of how EVERYONE should think of Him.
All this, "my god is stronger than your god" nonsense can really wreck a child's mind.
Already he is asking, "why do we pray to so many gods..."
I didn't ask that one until I was 14...

uhh..just so you know, I am no parent..not even married, sooo all my advice may really amount to nothing. I just..well, this is something I would do if it were my kid.
Pushing him towards god is really not a good choice...thats his decision to make. No one else's. But if he asks questions, I think a truthful answer is best.

Then again, depends on the age...for now..amar chitra kathas..best solution.

*embarrassed*..i read them sometimes even to this day.

Swati said...

ohh..poor little boy ..I think its not fair to trouble young minds with such questions , find answers to even what we dont know ..its bad ..did you speak to his teacher ?