these days, the lil uns are taught alphabets the phonetics way...which is quite confusing for an adult...the alphabet I makes the sound "eee" and the alphabet E makes the ehh ...and so on...
So finally cub junior has learnt the spellings of the numbers. Of course we had a lot of weird spellings which cropped up but my favorite was...
Wanting to convince me that he knew the spellings, he says, " see, i know...i know how to spell six! 's'...'e'...'x'...six...(he's confused the sound part and the alphabet)
i take a deep breath, and say no, it is s...i...x...(six)
and five minutes later he's back to s..e..x...!!!
After 2 minutes, a question pops up... what does s..e..x mean??
so i sit down and explain....
the male /female gender thing...(*sheeesh, whatever were you'll thinking!)
and he went away happy...
but now knowing his penchant for testing newly learnt words, i foresee a situation in the MRT (train), where in the crowd, he may holler...i know his/her sex.....he's called a boy...or worse...could it get any worse?
Uhoh!!!I HATE SEX...AAargh! ...i mean six!!!